RIDE community engagement doesn't have to be just in the MN

Hello, first and foremost I would like to thank YOU. Yes, you the community RIDE member that is reading this, without your support and engagement what we do would be unimaginably difficult.
My name is Randy Rosario and I have been helping RIDE in their web development. I have a fondness for this community and I want to share somethings that I know that you, our community, can help us with. At RIDE we believe in the power of riding:

It matters not what we ride, but in that we all ride

To this end I want to share the story of Jon Liesenfeld an individual who found a love for Jamaica and its children and found a way to help them experience happiness and freedom.
Here is an article from the Pioneer Press in Minneapolis, MN:
and a news cast from Fox 9 news:
In short Jon collects bikes, bike helmets and bike locks and ships them to Jamaica! To give to children!
Here is an excerpt from the Pioneer press article:

In 2014, on his annual vacation in Jamaica, Liesenfeld watched a Jamaican friend’s son ride a beat-up BMX bike. What caught his attention was the circle of other kids watching.
“I wondered, why don’t they have bikes?” he said. “In America, one of our greatest childhood memories is a bicycle. It’s your transportation. It’s your freedom. To think of kids not having that, it blew me away.”
“I said, ‘I want to bring a few bikes to Jamaica,’ and I’m thinking maybe one or two bikes,” said Liesenfeld. “And he says, ‘JP, you cannot bring bikes to Jamaica!’ And that was it. That was all the challenge I needed.”

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J.P Liesenfeld replaces a worn out tire on a donated bike which he will ship to Jamaica and hand out for free, in a Minneapolis warehouse, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2016. (Pioneer Press: Scott Takushi)

This years engagement is done. But with our help, our support and our love for riding we can help Jon make a difference in the lives of children that have little hope of knowing the freedom and love for RIDING solely because they have no bikes to ride!