[5] Back on one of the first photos we posted, Todd Leduc pops up as a comment on the pic of my son while at his first Mud bog. It was such a cool feeling to hear from him! Then last night was supposed to be my son’s first Monster Jam event but he ended up getting sick and couldnt make it. At the pit party, I had a quick second to show Todd the pic again and offer him a little piece of Mud Brand for himself! He accepted it and I couldn’t feel more honored! Thank you for being awesome brother!! Unforgettable moment! @toddleduc #mud #mudbog #mudbrand #mudding #mudfamily #mudtruck #mudlife #mudmn #monsterjam #monsterenergy 🏁🤘🏻

Back on one of the first photos we posted, Todd Leduc pops up as a comment on the pic of my son while at his first Mud bog. It was such a cool feeling to hear from him! Then last night was supposed to be my son’s first Monster Jam event but he ended up getting sick and couldnt make it. At the pit party, I had a quick second to show Todd the pic again and offer him a little piece of Mud Brand for himself! He accepted it and I couldn’t feel more honored! Thank you for being awesome brother!! Unforgettable moment! @toddleduc #mud #mudbog #mudbrand #mudding #mudfamily #mudtruck #mudlife #mudmn #monsterjam #monsterenergy 🏁🤘🏻

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