Did you know yoga isn’t just physical? Yoga is a journey to your best self. It’s attained through self study, self awareness, discipline and focus. All of these things can be practiced at the same time as your physical yoga practice. Yoga and all that it is… makes you better at life. Better at your passion, trade or sport. It just does. Trust us. #yogaeveryday #yogateaching #selfstudy #sadhana

Did you know yoga isn’t just physical? Yoga is a journey to your best self. It’s attained through self study, self awareness, discipline and focus. All of these things can be practiced at the same time as your physical yoga practice. Yoga and all that it is… makes you better at life. Better at your passion, trade or sport. It just does. Trust us. #yogaeveryday #yogateaching #selfstudy #sadhana

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